Women, blessing, and the Proverbs 31 ideal
Proverbs 31 is a popular Scripture passage which describes the qualities of an ideal woman. In the original language, Proverbs 31:10-31 is an acrostic, in which each verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. (Click the link to read the passage in its entirety.)
Grace Communion’s Bible study website asks,
Of what value can this ancient poem be to the diverse, complex life-styles of women today? To the married, to the single, to the young, to the old, to those working outside the home or inside the home, to those women with children or without children? It is more relevant than you might at first expect. . .
For contemporary application of these qualities, we like the Proverbs 31 Ministries blog.
The month of May has several appreciation events of particular interest to women and those who honor them.
Of course there’s Mother’s Day on May 9 (which, in a glorious example of irony, I will probably spend at a major league baseball game watching my daughter’s choir sing the national anthem, or out in the woods hunting morel mushrooms with my husband).
In addition, it’s Teacher Appreciation Week May 3rd-7th, and National Nurses Week May 6th -12th. Of course not all nurses and teachers are women, but they still represent the majority in those professions, and have a unique ability to touch people’s lives.
Take this opportunity to think about the women in your life, and find a way to show them that you value and appreciate who they are and what they do! A handwritten note is meaningful and always appropriate. We also have a beautifully chosen selection of gift items on CelebrateYourFaith.com. (I have to put in a plug for one of my favorites, a beautiful gold and silver pendant symbolizing the Proverbs 31 passage.)
Can we help? We have some Mother’s Day gift suggestions, and some special gifts for women. And of course you’re welcome to contact us if you have questions, or would like suggestions or advice.

Tags: caregivers, daughters, Mother's Day, mothers, teachers, women